In addition to calling from the main menu, this window can be called from the context menu of the scene.

Layout settings

The scene layout includes a chart and tables of the scene, which are a shortened or duplicate version of similar calculation blocks in the main menu, or showing some other information. They can be used to form a space around the chart on the stage. These tables will be shown on the stage if the Scene Tables.

The font of the scene tables can be customized directly in the layout editor. Some scene tables have an independent font setting. The text color in these tables is set in The chart palette. These settings are saved in the configuration.

The background image can be used not only for decorative tasks, but also for working with Local Space techniques. For example, you can set a room layout as a background image. At the same time, this scheme can be scaled to the desired size by the option next to the name of the image file. And considering that not all the plan-schemes are clearly oriented on the sides of the horizon, you can rotate this image to the desired angle with the neighboring option.

The scene tables can be moved with the mouse (when this window is open) and immediately set their own sizes for each of them. Various individual parameters can be configured from the context menu of the tables.
By double-clicking on some tables, you can quickly call the parent tables, which are usually more detailed options.
When you hover the mouse over the scene table, a tooltip appears with the name of the table.


When closing this window by pressing the "Cancel" key, a message will be displayed that the configuration will return to its last saved option, and will be prompted to still leave the temporary layout settings. This is useful if the layout was changed before the revision any other settings, and the configuration was not saved. And in order not to start editing the configuration from the beginning, it is better save the edited layout, and if necessary, make changes only in it again.